• Welcome to Drtyfunk!

      Immerse yourself in the world of captivating digital artwork designs that will invigorate your space with creativity and flair, all available as canvas prints and posters.

    • Awaken Your Walls

      Our carefully curated selection of canvas prints and posters showcase the best of cutting-edge design. Bring life to your home, office, or personal space with the perfect blend of color, texture, and emotion.

    • Art for Every Mood

      Discover unique designs that resonate with your style and personal expression. From abstract to minimalist, and everything in between, Drtyfunk has the perfect piece to reflect your individuality and transform your space.


    Gear up for an aviation adventure with our Avia wall art collection. Dive into the sleek lines of modern jets and the timeless charm of vintage aircraft.

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    Inspired by the colors and shapes of flowers, plants, and trees. Experience the beauty of nature in an unusual way!

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    Transform your space into a surreal wonderland. These designs are unlike anything you've seen before.

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    Celebrate beauty and diversity of the animal kingdom! From majestic creatures to playful pets, each piece captures the essence of these incredible creatures in stunning detail.



    For those who can appreciate raw and beauty and strength of brutalist architecture. Bringing the rugged and unpolished essence to life in your home.

    Button label


    Don't be afraid to get a little weird! Discover bizarre creatures and situations, that will make you do a double-take and simply ask "WTF?"

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    Our Heavenly Inspirations Collection is designed to provide daily reminders of God's love and guidance, fostering an atmosphere of reflection, gratitude, and spiritual growth.

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    By adorning your walls with the wisdom of Stoicism, you'll be constantly reminded of the power of self-control, inner strength, and tranquility.

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    Embrace the magnetic fusion of synths and feminine charm that will leave you breathless.

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